Cornerstone Kids
Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact:
2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact:
Are you considering becoming a member at Cornerstone? Membership classes are a great way to find out more about membership at Cornerstone. The classes are on Sunday morning at 9:30 a.m. and they meet for four consecutive Sundays, beginning on May 7th. If you would like to attend Membership Classes, please sign up by clicking […]
2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact:
If you are new to Cornerstone, this is an event for you. It's a great chance to hear about the church from Pastor Steve and ask any questions you might have, all while enjoying lunch on us! SIGN UP HERE
It's time for the annual Breakaway Gunpowder Cookout! If you are in grades 7-12 this is an event for you. There will be all sorts of fun activities and games including: water tubing a rope swing that swings you out into the water a water trampoline volleyball cornhole. Dinner will be provided and will include […]
Sunday, June 11th is a Baptism Sunday. If you would like to be baptized, please sign up using the link below. SIGN UP HERE
2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact:
We are so excited to announce our children's ministry summer kick-off on Sunday, June 11th! Come ready to play fun games and enjoy great fellowship with other church families! Don't forget to pack a picnic dinner for you and your family, and we'll provide, desserts, drinks, and games. A sign-up is not required but is appreciated so we […]
On Friday, June 16th, the men are having their Men’s Night Out. The guys will be gathering at Hopkins Farm Brewery at 7pm for drinks, food, and fellowship. For more information, text the word ‘MEN’ to the number on the screen.
Topic: God's Sovereignty & Providence