Cornerstone Events

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Core Meeting

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

At the  Core Meeting, a church-wide lunch and meeting, we will gather as a body and hear about important topics related to our church from the pastors and staff.  It is also always a great time of fellowship as we eat lunch together. For this Core Meeting, pizza, chips, & water will be provided but […]

Ladies Night Out

This Ladies Night Out will be hosted at a member's residence. We will be having a "Snack Board Night," where guests are encouraged to bring different snack boards for us to share (similar to a charcuterie board, but we want many different options)! This will also be a game night, so feel free to bring […]

Ladies Breakfast

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

This is an event for ladies to enjoy breakfast and fellowship together. We will listen to a message from one of our members at Cornerstone titled "Seek Peace and Pursue It: Biblical Unity in a Culture of Self-Protection." We will also be enjoying a delicious breakfast prepared by the men's cooking team. We hope you'll […]