Cornerstone Events

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Men’s Night Out

Bel Air Golf Center 3103 Belair Road, Kingsville, MD, United States

The men's night out will be at Bel Air Golf Center in Kingsville. It’s going to be a fun and awesome time of fellowship so we hope you can make it out!  Bel Air Golf Center:  3103 Belair Rd, Kingsville, MD 21087    

Ladies Breakfast

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

 This is an event for ladies to enjoy breakfast and a time of fellowship together. We will watch a recorded video of Christian author & speaker,  Susan Heck, and her message "Getting In Shape Spiritually." This will be a potluck-style gathering so if you can contribute a dish, please let us know in the sign-up […]

Core Meeting

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

At the  Core Meeting, a church-wide lunch and meeting, we will gather as a body and hear about important topics related to our church from the pastors and staff.  It is also always a great time of fellowship as we eat lunch together. For this Core Meeting, pizza, chips, & water will be provided but […]

Ladies Night Out

Falling Branch Brewery 825 Highland Rd, Street, MD, United States

Join the ladies for a night out at Falling Branch Brewery in Street, MD. Ladies' Night Out takes place on the First Friday of every month. For more information about Ladies Night Out,  please fill out the form HERE.

Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

Start your Saturday morning with us at the Men's Breakfast. There will be a hearty breakfast prepared by the men's cooking team, followed by a time of fellowship and building up as one of our members shares a biblical message with us. This month Bill Trautman will be sharing a message titled "Jeremiah: In Season […]

Event Series March Membership Classes

October Membership Classes

If you are considering membership at Cornerstone or would even like to know what Membership at Cornerstone is all about, we encourage you to attend our membership classes. This is a four-part series that meets on 4 consecutive Sundays at 9:15 a.m. Please sign up below if you plan on attending: SIGN UP HERE

First Take

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

If you are new to Cornerstone and wondering what matters to us as a church, this event is for you. You'll get to hear more about our church from Pastor Steve and ask any questions you might have, all while enjoying lunch with us! SIGN UP HERE

Cornmaze at Beachmont

Beachmont Corn Maze 6433 Mt. Vista Road, Kingsville, MD, United States

The Cornerstone Youth Group will be going to the corn maze at Beachmonth on Saturday, October 12th. There are tons of games and activities to enjoy, as well as a themed corn maze. Sign up below! SIGN UP HERE

Event Series March Membership Classes

October Membership Classes

If you are considering membership at Cornerstone or would even like to know what Membership at Cornerstone is all about, we encourage you to attend our membership classes. This is a four-part series that meets on 4 consecutive Sundays at 9:15 a.m. Please sign up below if you plan on attending: SIGN UP HERE

Men’s Night Out

The men will be gathering at the home of a church member for a chili swap, it’s going to be a fun and awesome time of fellowship so we hope you can make it out!  Please sign up below and in the form let us know if you can bring chili. SIGN UP HERE   […]

Ladies Conference

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

We will have a conference for the ladies where we will listen to a pre-recorded 4-part webinar by Rachel Jankovic on Christian friendship. We will be together most of the day, beginning at 8:45 a.m. and ending at 3:30 p.m. Please plan to have breakfast before coming to the church or you can bring a […]

Event Series March Membership Classes

October Membership Classes

If you are considering membership at Cornerstone or would even like to know what Membership at Cornerstone is all about, we encourage you to attend our membership classes. This is a four-part series that meets on 4 consecutive Sundays at 9:15 a.m. Please sign up below if you plan on attending: SIGN UP HERE