Cornerstone Kids
Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact:
2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact:
We would love your help as we take down Christmas decorations at Cornerstone. Pizza will be provided for lunch. Let us know if you are coming by signing up below! SIGN UP HERE
2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact:
This is an event for ladies to enjoy breakfast and fellowship together. We will listen to a virtual message from Christian author and speaker, Nancy Wilson "Renewing Your Mind in the Word." Please sign up below to let us know if you will be attending. SIGN UP HERE
Downstairs Doctrine are Adult Sunday School Classes during the 9:15 & 11 AM worship services. Classes meet downstairs in room 8.
2 years old - 3rd Grade Contact: