Cornerstone Events

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Men’s Breakfast

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

This is an event for men to meet together, hear a biblical message, and be fed! If you are a man and want to get connected and enjoy fellowship, we […]

Cornerstone Fall Picnic

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

Mark your calendars - on Sunday, September 10th from 5-7 PM, we will be having a church-wide fall picnic! We will have tons of games and activities for everyone to […]

Ladies Breakfast

Cornerstone Community Church 2907 Mountain Road, Joppa, MD, United States

As we head into the Fall season, many wonderful things are starting up again, including our ladies' breakfasts! This is an event for ladies to enjoy a delicious breakfast and […]